Blog Post Summary List

SUMMARY OF ALL BLOG POSTS Below is a summary list of all of our blog posts. Check back often as we add new blog posts to this page each week. ART THERAPY BLOG POSTS 5 Art Activities to Develop Mindfulness 7 Day Visual Journaling Practice 10 Art Therapy Exercises for...
10 Useful Psychology Podcasts

10 Useful Psychology Podcasts

THIS POST INCLUDES: 1. Introduction to podcasts2. How to listen to podcasts3. 10 Useful Psychology Podcasts4. Download Resource Sheet of Psychotherapy Skills INTRODUCTION TO PODCASTS Podcasts have become an increasingly popular method to distribute valuable content...
How Do I Create an Ecourse for my Therapy Practice

How Do I Create an Ecourse for my Therapy Practice

THIS POST INCLUDES: 1. Why create an ecourse2. Choosing your ecourse idea3. Create your ecourse4. Marketing your ecourse5. Free Download Ecourse Sales Page Cheatsheet WHY CREATE AN ECOURSE As an art therapist, your core business model is around providing therapy for...
10 Useful Counseling Podcasts

10 Useful Counseling Podcasts

THIS POST INCLUDES: 1. Introduction to podcasts2. How to listen to podcasts3. 10 Useful Counseling Podcasts4. Download Resource Sheet of Psychotherapy Skills INTRODUCTION TO PODCASTS Podcasts have become increasingly popular in recent years and as a result, it means...